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At Hollard, we believe that insurane is not about what can go wrong, but what can go right. Go on and live a worry-free life whiles we secure your valuable assets, property and family. Live life, smile and make memories, we've got you covered! Get an insurance plan that suits you!

General Insurance

Mobile Phone  Insurance

Get insurance cover to repair or replace your mobile device if it get's stolen or accidentaly damaged.

From GHC 151
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Home and Home Content Insurance

Get your home and/or it's contents covered against damage from fire, floods, burglary and allied perils.

From GHC 35
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Hollard Motor Insurance Policy

Drive freely without worrying about accidents on the road with Hollard's Motor Insurance Policy!

From GHC 151
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Travel Plus Insurance

No need to pay bills because of sudden ill health, lost luggage, and flight delays with our shengen compliant travel insurance.

From GHC 71.69
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Appliance and Electronic Device Insurance

Cover the cost of replacement or restoration of your home appliances after damage during domestic use within your household.

From GHC 151
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Life Insurance

Adepa Goal Save - Investment Plan

This policy gives you financial confidence that your family will have financial stability in your unexpected absence.

GHC 313.98 monthly
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Adepa Wo Fie - Funeral Insurance

With this policy, you can put money aside for any unexpected passing away of a family member.

GHC 33 monthly
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Adepa Family Plan

The silver linning that provides short to medium term financial assistance to your grieving family.

From GHC 151
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Purple Employee Plan

This policy is a comprehensive cover that offers compensation to employees for work related injury.

From GHC 151
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Motor Insurance

1. Comprehensive Motor Insurance:

Some features:
  • Accidental collision or overturning.
  • Fire, external explosion, self-ignition or lightning.
  • Theft, burglary, house-breaking and malicious acts.

2. Executive Motor Insurance

Some features:
  • Accidental collisions, overturning or more.
  • Damage from fire, external explosions, self-ignition or lightning.
  • Theft or malicious acts.
Some benefits:
  • We’ll cover the costs of renting a temporary replacement vehicle while your normal vehicle is being repaired.
  • We’ll pay for the cost of towing your car if you break down or have an accident.
  • As the insured party, you bear no portion of the claim as a deductible, and you keep your no-claims discount even after you make a claim.

Mobile Phone and Device Insurance

The Mobile phone is covered against theft and accidental physical damage during the insurance period.

Some benefits:
  • Replacement of the mobile phone with a new item that is exactly the same make and model.
  • Replacement of the mobile phone with an item of similar features, value and quality (if the make and model is no longer available).
  • Replacement of the mobile phone with an alternative item of your choice if we cannot replace the insured item with a similar make or model. If the value of the alternative item is more than the maximum sum insured, you must pay the difference.

Travel Plus Insurance

Protection from any risk while you’re traveling outside the country

Some benefits:
  • Family and Groups of 10+ discount.
  • Top-up for free medical cover.
  • Senior travel insurance (up to 81 years).
Some features:
  • Receive your policy and visa letter immediately. No waiting.
  • Affordable travel insurance rates and Professional service.
  • Online claims submission and fair claim handling.

Home & Home Content Insurance

Protection on your biggest asset against damage from fire, theft or allied perils

Some features:
  • Third party liability cover for injury or damage to third party property.
  • Damage caused by escape of water or oil from fixed water or heating installations or domestic appliances.
  • - Your outbuildings, swimming pools, fences, plumbing and other parts of your home.

Appliance and Electronic Device Insurance

Some benefits:
  • The insured items will be replaced or restored to normal operating condition after it has suffered a loss or damage during domestic use within your household.
Some features:
  • Labor costs.
  • The cost of replacement parts on products not older than 12 (twelve) months after the purchase date.

Adepa Wo Fie - Funeral Insurance

It’s a comprehensive funeral support plan for your nuclear and other family members. It cushions the grieving family and also short to medium term financial relief to the family.

Some benefits:
  • The Family Funeral Benefit.
  • The Return of Premiums Benefit
  • The Premium Waiver Benefit

Adepa Goal Save - Investment Plan

It’s an investment guarantee plan that allows you to contribute towards the attainment of predefined goal amount.

Some benefits:
  • The main insured person saves a specific amount of money monthly is subject to the minimum investment amount.
  • This policy allows you to save on a monthly basis while securing the maturity value within the investment period.
Some features:
  • The maturity value of this policy will be the amount selected when the policy is sold/started
  • The main insured person is eligible for the goal-based savings policy
  • Investment period is at least a minimum of five (5) years

Adepa Family Plan

The Adepa Family plan gives hope to a grieving family by providing short to medium term financial

Some benefits:
  • Funeral insurance quote drawn up especially for you and your needs
  • No underwriting necessary
  • Covers starts immediately for accidental death cushioning
Some features:
  • Funeral Cover for partner, additional children, parents and parents-in-law, siblings, nieces, nephews and even an additional spouse.

Purple employee plan

It provides a comprehensive cover at competitive premiums. It’s over a 24hour protection to employees throughout their employment.

Some features:
  • Death (Natural and Accidental)
  • Total and Permanent Disability
  • Accidental Total Partial Disability